Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hi I am Ian Klammer and I am in the Birch party which is part of the Paper Riding. I will close schools with an attendance of 150 and lower so that you can go to schools with a bigger attendance and with more people in the school the schools you go to will have better sports teams, more sport teams, more options, and way more fun. Also it will save energy and and you won't have to pay for janitors; also it will save more water.

I will also create Hydro Electric dams in Banff and Jasper to help the enviroment.

Also I will lower the cost of natural resources (like wood oil and natural gas) to all the corporations. In doing this the companys will lower prices of gas, and fire wood.

I will also lower the prices for College and University for people who are studying for medical school.